If your car is not handling properly, if you notice it requires significantly more effort to steer your vehicle orĀ perhaps the steering wheel feels loose, your rack & pinion may need replacement. It is not recommended to continue driving your car if you are experiencing a steering issue, as it may cause your car to lose control.
Our ASE Certified technicians will inspect your rack & pinion steering system for damage, wear and leaks. We will also check the power steering pump and fluid for any signs of wear. It will then be determined when repairs may be needed.
Uncle Dave’s is a full-service auto repair center. We can replace steering systems for automatic and manual cars, trucks and SUVs of any make and model, domestic or import.
For complete system steering service call to schedule an appointment and take advantage of our free shuttle service. Our work is 100% guaranteed, so you can rest assured that you are receiving the best workmanship possible.